Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Aleasha Bahr, Mastering Authentic Sales Strategies with the Black Sheep Sales Method™, Episode 337



Today, we're joined by an exceptional guest who embodies the spirit of authentic growth and success, Aleasha Bahr. With over 15 years of experience in the industry, Aleasha has honed her craft as a sales strategist, leveraging her expertise to empower business owners to effortlessly convert leads without compromising integrity. Today, Aleasha will share actionable tips for refining your sales approach, enhancing visibility, and deepening audience engagement for greater business growth and fulfillment. So, whether you're looking to elevate your sales strategy or simply glean insights from one of the industry's best, this episode is packed with invaluable lessons and inspiration.   In This Episode: Aleasha discusses her perspective on unconventional sales and marketing methods, emphasizing authenticity and building trust with clients. Discover the "black sheep" approach to sales, which advocates for fitting in rather than traditional selling techniques, prioritizing the best interests of clients. Ex