Medical Medium Podcast

048 Coffee Enemas: Still Falling For It



Coffee enemas are making a comeback mostly because of social media. Take something that never really helped anyone in the past and resuscitate it so that it becomes alive again, meanwhile, believe it or not, it still isn’t helping anyone. It’s back to the same ole same ole, a trend growing legs again when it should have been put away and shelved for good. Bold statements to anyone that loves their coffee and coffee enemas? Let’s spell it out: • Highly antagonistic to the nerve cells that are lining the small intestinal tract and colon • Highly antagonistic to the nerve cells that surround the rectum • Too aggressive on the Vagus Nerves, causing Vagus Nerve Shock • Pushes adrenals into overdrive, forcing adrenals to release stored reserves into the bloodstream and intestinal tract that were meant for a rainy day such as giving birth or fight or flight • Bypassing the stomach’s poisoning protection mechanisms—the caffeine becomes rogue and has no time release and radically enters bloodstream through the walls