Starseed Radio Academy

Abundance and Creativity in Your Chart



We've been watching the transits of Jupiter and Uranus get closer to each other, and by April 20, they will be conjunct, which means occupying the same degree.  This only happens about once every 14 years, so you don't want to miss the chance to make the most of it.  On a planetary level, this will bring much needed change, with Jupiter bringing opportunities for expansion and growth, while Uranus revolutionizes the 'way things are'.  More humanitarianism and responsibility for Nature is evolving on Earth, along with a great spiritual awakening.  What does this mean for the individual?  Personal growth, abundance, freedom from restrictions, and a higher spiritual quest are common effects, but you need to know where it's hitting your chart to understand the areas with the greatest opportunity for abundance, growth, creativity and change.  In this episode, Arielle will describe the effects of this rare conjunction on each house, and it will effect everyone.  The energies of Jupiter and Uranus cannot be denied