The Freelancers' Show

218 FS Don't Agree to Project Deadlines



1:06 - Jonathan suggested topic: Why are deadlines bad? 7:30  Deadlines are binary 11:28 Timelines 12:38 Weekly conversations 13:54 How to deal with a drop dead deadline 15:53 How do you agree to multiple features How much margin do you put on it? 17:05 Do you agree to what you think you can get done? 19:41 Why do you see developers agree to deadlines 22:06 Negotiating 24:40 Say no to clients who won’t agree to a deadline 27:27 Don’t take the risk 27:40 Solutions 31:13 Do you say no to a client who is insistent on a deadline? 35:24 Projects that drag on 38:00 Uncertain end date 43:47 An easy trap to fall into 44:27 Learn your lines 47:30 Explain the downside to a deadline Picks Taking time off (Philip)How To Handle Deadlines Without Agree To Them (Jonathan)Wood Badge (Chuck)The Boy Scouts Of America (Chuck)   This episode is sponsored by