The Freelancers' Show

The Freelancers’ Show 075 – SEO with Mike Brooks and Stephen Gardner



Panel Mike Brooks (twitter linkedin) Stephen Gardner (twitter linkedin blog) Reuven Lerner (twitter github blog) Jim Gay (twitter github blog) Eric Davis (twitter github blog) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up) Discussion 01:27 - Mike Brooks Introduction Nuclear Chowder Nuclear Chowder Podcast 03:57 - Mike Gardner Introduction 05:38 - Marketing for SEO Quality Content Syndication Calls to Action Giveaways 12:30 - Targeting Keywords SECockpit SpyFu Google AdWords: Keyword Tool HitTail LinkedIn Social Media Examiner 18:40 - Getting to #1 Right Message Right Media Right Market 26:00 - Putting Keywords in the Right Place 29:35 - JavaScript and SEO 30:45 - Google vs Bing vs Yahoo 34:11 - Webmaster Tools Google Webmaster Tools Bing Webmaster Tools 35:46 - Optimizing for Local Search 41:37 - “Be Everywhere” Marketing Picks HitTail (Eric) Continuum (Reuven) swissmiss (Jim) Design*Sponge (Jim) LessAccounting (Chuck) Web Presence Optimizer (Steven) Book Club Book Your