"tapp" Into The Truth

The Wounded Blue, Reyhaneh Jabbari, & Fire Fox News



Randy Sutton, a 34-year Law Enforcement veteran and Founder of THE WOUNDED BLUE, joined me to discuss the organization's mission. Randy L. Noble, prolific author and host of "The Cross in the Desert: Speaking Hope and Freedom to Iran" joined me to talk about Reyhaneh Jabbari and why her story is so important. George Sinzer, the host of FIREFOXNEWS ONLINE, joined me to discuss the $454 million judgment against Donald Trump, which Judge Arthur Engoron presided over in the New York civil business fraud case. And how the illegal aliens who stormed the southern border on 3/21/2024 in El Paso, Texas by breaking down razor wire and fencing before pushing into National Guard troops were reportedly processed and released into the United States after the incident.  Be ready when things go sideways. Visit 4Patriots and prepare for whatever life sends your way. Diversify and protect your hard-earned wealth with physical gold. Use America's Premiere Conservative Gold Company, Harvard Gold Group. Use promo code TAPP. S