Gracelife Sarasota

Test Your Faith (James) No.15- Repentance Sunday



Last week was a hard sermon, as James taught us to look within ourselves for the cause of fights within the church. Our selfish, individualistic, arrogant pursuit of our own desires & passions put us at odds with each other, and with God. It was a tough message, but James provided a beautiful, soft landing, reminding us that God gives MORE GRACE! Have you ever experienced the joy, the liberation that comes when God answers our humble prayers for more grace? It’s something the unredeemed can’t understand; joy (supernatural satisfaction) flowing from our humble repentance. Because genuine, humble repentance at cross, is the only place where that harvest of righteousness can begin. Many people seek that experiential bliss with God, those moments where his presence is unmistakable. Scripture teaches nothing brings us closer to God than when we draw near to Him in humility to pray for more grace! In fact, humble repentance provides more intimacy w/God & is more powerful than anything else in a Christ