Elixir Mix

EMx 113: Lumen with Luke Imhoff



In this episode of Elixir Mix, we are joined by inimitable Luke Imhoff who takes us on a wild journey through his background from low-level, to high-level and straight back into compiler land as we work our way towards talking about Lumen. And what a conversation that is. WebAssembly, working group politics, sneaking binaries into the enterprise and so much more. The big take-away is that the Lumen project is a very cool effort to give us more options for running Erlang, Elixir and friends that are suitable for entirely different use-cases. Also, clearly, that the Lumen team is carrying the torch for all functional languages in the WASM Working Group. If you are curious about Lumen or WebAssembly this one is for you. Sponsors Audible.comGroxio.io | Career Rocket Fuel For Curious CodersCacheFly Panel Alex KoutmosJosh AdamsLars WikmanSophie DeBenedetto Guest Luke Imhoff Links Asm.jsWebAssemblyLumenAsteriushttps://github.com/tweag/asterius Picks Alex Koutmos: Ecto 3.5 RChttps://hexdocs.pm/ecto/3.5.0-r