Left Of Lansing

110: Episode 79: Time for Transformational Change w/ Lou Glazer of Michigan Future, Inc.



It's episode 79 of Michigan's premier progressive podcast with the award-winning Pat Johnston! Pat's guest this week is Lou Glazer from Michigan Future, Inc., which is a nonprofit, and nonpartisan organization that focuses on helping Michigan succeed in a knowledge-based economy. And as Lou says, Michigan Future is also trying to make Michigan a more prosperous state. Michigan currently ranks 39th in per capita income. Lou says transformational changes are needed to make the state a more prosperous state, and a more attractive state, for younger people and younger families. Those changes include more investments in education, our cities and towns, and transit.  Pat opens the show talking about the cynical game the right-wing continues to play when it comes to dividing this country through race. He talks about how many on the right, including members of the Michigan Republican Party, continue to stoke fears over immigration. It's an issue that could've been tackled this year, but Congressional Republicans tr