We Don't Die® Radio Show With Host Sandra Champlain

440 Dr. Antonio Harrison "Coach Doc" - Tools to Live Life POWERFULLY with this Supernatural App Coach & Much Love Always!



Supernatural Virtual Reality App Coach, Dr. Antonio Harrison "Coach Doc" is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst at the Doctorate level and has a Masters and Ph.D. in Applied Behavior Analysis.  Much of his work focuses on Health, Sports, and Fitness, Wellness, Leadership, and Self-Management. He is a graduate school professor, keynote speaker, fitness coach & podcast host. Find his website, book one-on-one sessions, and get his 100 day journal at https://www.muchlovealways.com/ I felt like a kid Christmas morning getting to interview Dr. Antonio Harrison, also known as "Coach Doc." Two years ago I bought a 3D virtual reality headset called an 'Oculus' and downloaded the highest rated fitness app called 'Supernatural.' https://www.getsupernatural.com/ Doc is one of the coaches that appears in 3D and his words ALWAYS empowers me and make me feel so much better than when I start. I KNOW you'll love his outlook on life and how to deal with fear, relationships, self-empowerment, what it is to be human, etc. Alt