Sanctuary First

Five Tastes of Holy Week: Episode 4 Umami



Episode 4: Umami “Agnus Dei. Your body broken for us Your blood shed for us Pause Your body broken for me Your blood shed for me” On this Good Friday Laura and James take us to the foot of the cross to contemplate the unstoppable love of Agnus Dei, the Lamb of God. This is a series of five audio meditations running daily Tuesday - Saturday of Holy Week. Poetry, drama, music, and prayer come together and invite us to rediscover the wonder of Easter through our tastebuds. Each day we focus on one of the five tastes to experience the vividness of these timeless events in a new way. We will see how harshness, deliciousness, acidity, richness and tanginess can draw us further and deeper into this world-changing, universe-changing, week. The series is a collaboration between James Cathcart and Laura Digan and features music from ‘Have You Room For Love?’ by The Bogle Band. Listen to Episode 1: Bitter Listen to Episode 2: Sweet Listen to Episode 3: Sour