Jami Dulaney Md Plant Based Wellness

Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Wellness Podcast Episode 469: Susan Donnelly Mindset Coach



Welcome! and Thank you for listening.   This episode features Susan Donnelly.  She has run more 100 mile races than anyone on the planet!  Over 145 one hundred mile races since 1999.  She is the definition of an outlier not only with regard to running, but occupation and nutrition.  Enjoy learning about how mindset during ultra running and how it applies to lifestyle changes.   Susan Donnelly: https://www.susanidonnelly.com https://doctordulaney.com/services/pcp-cardiology-nutrition/#pricing https://mypurewater.com/?sld=jdulaney Cleanwaterforsophie discout code https://www.amazon.com/Plant-based-Wellness-Cookbook-Generations-Cooking/dp/1733967702/ref=sr_1_3? =1U4J4U0SZUXUF&dchild=1&keywords=plant+based+wellness+cookbook&qid=1621083696&sprefix=plant+based+well%2Caps%2C173&sr=8-3