Yusuf Circle Sheffield

S10 - Surah Nur (24) - Verse13 - 23



Quran Class Surah Noor 24 v13-23 Session 10 The Slander Whoever attacks Ayesha (raa) has opposed the Quran. Qadhee Abu Bakr ibn Th-Thay was sent by the muslims to the Christian King in Constatinople. He said, 2 women were falsely accused of adultery... Mariam & Ayesha (raa) Mariam (raa) appeared carrying a child whilst having no husband Ayesha did not have a child but had a husband. Hence the case of the latter is clearer than the former. Alee (ra) says, 'The one who speak indecent words then spreads them are alike in sin' (Baihaqi). 'The FootSteps of Shaitan' (Surah 24 v21) refer to his deeds; the evil whispers; every sin... (Ibn Kathir). He who does not show mercy then no mercy is shown to him, He who does not forgiven then will not be forgiven (Ahmad).