Niles-maine District Library

Tech Bytes #29 - Kanopy on



Tech Bytes is a technology podcast, produced by the Digital Services department at Niles-Maine District Library. In this episode, we talk about Kanopy, a movie and TV streaming resource from the public library, and an article on Indie Wire, which praises it as a streaming platform with staying power. Transcript: [Music - Tech Bytes theme] Hi, and welcome back to Tech Bytes. I’m your host, Todd, and today, we’re talking about the library-exclusive video streaming app Kanopy. I’ve said many times that I think that Kanopy is the one of the best resources that are available from the public library. This week, I saw an article on Indie Wire, a film industry website, that also calls Kanopy a “hidden gem” and “the best kept secret” of the streaming industry. In a moment, we’ll be back to talk about just how Kanopy great is, and why Brian Welk of Indie Wire, sees Kanopy as a streaming platform that has staying power, even while many of its competitors are being consolidated into each other. [Music - Tech Bytes