Extension Calling

Flooding Scares Animals Too



Humans aren’t the only ones displaced by floods.  Snakes and other animals are also moved and frightened.  Watch out for poisonous snakes that may have come into buildings with flood waters.  Use a stick to poke through debris before entering an area.  Pets often get separated from their owners.  Take a photo or description of your lost animal with a contact number to your local animal shelter.  If you have found a pet, send a photo and contact number to the local animal shelter. Scared animals should be dealt with very carefully.  Even the most docile of creatures can become dangerous after a traumatic experience.  If you encounter a scared animal be CALM and cautious, avoid quick movements, be patient – do not prod the animal, move slowly , be gentle, do not shout or yell or wave your arms, and have a planned escape route should the animal feel threatened.  If you are not familiar with livestock handling techniques, please contact your extension office and notify them of the location of the loose anim