Career Revolution With Dr. Ck Bray | A Place To Fix, Change Or Create Your Best Career

Episode 522 Neuroscience in the News: Sleep and Leaders



In the realm of mental health, the importance of a good night's sleep cannot be overstated. Recent research sheds light on the vital connection between our sleep habits, the natural rhythms of our bodies, and our psychological state. The study brings to the forefront evidence that disruptions in sleep patterns and the body's internal clock — known as circadian rhythms — are not just a result of mental health challenges but may, in fact, play a role in causing and worsening these conditions. Dr. Bray, a leading expert in the field, will delve into the implications of this groundbreaking study and explore the emerging narratives from the research and how these findings may revolutionize the approach to mental health treatments going forward. In addition to the implications for mental health, Dr. Bray discusses another pressing issue in the modern workforce: the identification of future leaders in a remote work setting. As the corporate world continues to shift towards remote operations, traditional methods of e