The Faster Than Normal Podcast: Add | Adhd | Health

ADHD 17-yr-old Prosthesis Designer Everett Kroll Shares his Experience & Advice



This is a great kid, mature beyond his years. I discovered Everett when someone sent me an article about him competing in the Intel International Science & Engineering Fair, (Bio-Medical Engineering category), and winning out over 1,800 competing students from 80+ countries!  He’s brilliant and certainly has a bright future; just listen to how he answered “What do you wanna do with your life”? What were you doing in High School? I’m thankful we got to spend some time with him this week. Enjoy!  In this episode, Peter and Everett discuss: :50- Intro and welcome Everett!  ref: Intel International Science & Engineering Fair Awards  2:00-  When did you first get diagnosed? 2:36- How did you wind up scoring so high in Math & Science? 4:25- None of us with ADHD are quite alike are we?! 4:48-  Why did you ask for more challenging work? 5:53-  Tell us about your 10th grade Science project. What is a “3D Printable Transtibial Prosthesis”?  7:30-  Rachel Cotton interview  7:50-  What changed for you righ