The Faster Than Normal Podcast: Add | Adhd | Health

Doctor and Author of PlayDHD, Kirsten Milliken



A big welcome this week to all who found us in today's Wall Street Journal article on the benefits of getting up super-early! So glad to have you! Fun podcast this week - We're talking to Kirsten Milliken, author of the book PlayDHD - Her premise is very simple: As adults, we don't get enough playtime. Playtime is key and essential to mitigating the negatives of ADHD (without medication,) and allowing us to truly evolve our brains to be Faster Than Normal. Now, as we all know, I'm not anti-med. I am, however, a believer that medication to treat ADHD should be a last resort, and not a first strike. There are so many ways to improve our brains to adapt and thrive with ADHD! It's why I get up super-early, it's why I skydive, run, exercise, don't drink, etc. And millions of people do the same thing! It's important to note - The concept of sitting at a desk all day isn't more than a few hundred years old. Before that? Well, we were up virtually constantly. Working, playing, walking, exercising - it was who we were