Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Joyce Marter, Shedding Light on the Psychology of Money and Self-Worth, Episode 339



In our recent episodes, we've delved into the realms of sales, money, and raising capital, uncovering the strategies and mindsets that drive success. Today, we're continuing this enlightening trend by diving into the intricate psychology of money with our esteemed guest, Joyce Marter. She shares the journey of how she built her successful business and how she became fascinated with the psychology of money. We'll explore the vital connection between mental health and financial wealth, offering insights into how we can all cultivate a mindset for prosperity.   In This Episode: Dive into Joyce Marter's insightful journey as she shares her wisdom as both an entrepreneur and therapist, offering profound lessons on the psychology of money. Explore how your sense of self-worth and self-acceptance can pave the way for financial abundance. Unlock the transformative power of seeking guidance and support and discover valuable insights through business valuations and financial consultations. Reflect on the