Kingdom Roots With Scot Mcknight

Why Does the Church Need to Keep Doing Good Theology? - KR 10



Theology needs the Church and the Church needs good theology. This episode dives into the reason of why the Church and Theology cannot be mutually exclusive. If the Church is to do good theology, Church leaders need to understand it is a life long commitment of study that centers on allowing oneself to be soaked in how Scripture itself does theology. Scot mentions three books to get started on the journey of doing good theology: 1) The Great Theologians: A Brief Guide by Gerald McDermott ( 2) The Story of Christian Theology by Roger Olson ( 3) Reading Backwards by Richard Hays ( Be sure not to miss an episode of Kingdom Roots with Scot McKnight by subscribing to the podcast on iTunes or Sticher. Learn more about Northern Seminary’s Master of Arts in New Testament at