Vitality Podcast

The Hero's Journey & TIFA (The Institute for Aliveness) P1 with Dr.Andrea Paige



Have you been curious about this podcast's long running host Dr.Andrea's Paige's journey? In this first part, one of the Vitality Podcast's new hosts Nikethana and Andi discuss her very personal story of birthing the The institute for Alivness and this Podcast, we talk about the importance of full spectrum embodiment in health and the journey of self-realization through multiple death processes. Andi reflects deeply on the challenges and lessons learned from running TIFA and this ongoing hero's journey of self-discovery. I share my personal experience of going through the TIFA Masters program and also a 40-day silence retreat and the  lessons that came from it. The conversation delves into the deeper aspects of personal growth, spiritual awakening and what it means to be truly alive today.  My name is Amnesia By Dr. Andrea Paige My name is… Where am I? How long have I been here? My name is Amnesia. Where am I again? Mr. Peanut reaches across the infinite abyss. His smooth