Chats With Susan Burrell

Restoring Balance in Our Lives



Ep# 272 - Restoring Balance in Our Lives - An Interview with Healer and Author, Dr. Christopher Macklin We are in for a wild ride everyone. I have an amazing light leader and incredible man by the name of Dr. Christopher Macklin on Empowering Chats today.  He is a healer and an author. His most recent book is called “Centering the Mind.” Christopher’s book came out in 2019 right before lock down and the pandemic. I remember praying and hoping that people would take this time of lockdown to look within and change their lives. And instead, we came out of this pandemic with more chronic stress and it is now creating havoc. Christopher recognized that the lockdown created so much separation with family, with society and it has divided people greatly. A lot of anger has been created as well. It is apparent the collective energy is affecting all of us. Christopher explains how as individuals and as a collective society we must become aware of the energy we are feeling. We must learn to identify our personal energy