Zestology: Live Life with Energy, Vitality, Motivation, Health, Confidence, Great Sleep, Biohacking ...

Morning Coffee Myths Debunked & Is Biohacking Safe? feat. Adam Parker #482



A new report is out debunking myths around morning coffee (a must-listen for all coffee drinkers). New insights into the safety of biohacking practices. For the 7th consecutive year, the UN has named Finland the happiest country in the world, where there's almost one sauna for every two people. Coincidence? Join me and the awesome Adam Parker for this week's top biohacking news stories. Adam Parker is a Detox Coach who helps high performers get superhuman energy.   THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: BIOptimizers - Do you know if you’re getting enough magnesium? Because four out of five Americans aren’t. And that’s a big problem because magnesium is involved in more than 300 biochemical reactions in your body. There are dozens of symptoms of magnesium deficiency: anxiety, insomnia, muscle cramps or twitches, high blood pressure, constipation, these are just a few of the most common ones. Now here’s what most people DON’T know: taking just any magnesium supplement won’t solve your problem because most supplemen