Buddha At The Gas Pump

050. Ananta Kranti



Ananta grew up in London and left England aged 19, with the desire to live as a free being. This first expressed itself through travel and lead her to Asia in 1989 where she has lived ever since. Searching to find the Truth of herself she found her way to the Osho commune in Pune, India where she explored meditation and Self-awareness groups for more than 10 years, also working with people for several years in the healing fields. In 1994 she entered a two and half year period of silence in a Japanese prison. During this period True Freedom was realized. That which has always been Free, Full and Enough unto Itself! The Peace that is the ground of all experience. The Love that does not need an experience of Love. The happiness that is our True Nature without needing an experience of happiness....  revealed itSelf to ItSelf. Coming back into 'the world' in 1997, there followed a period of confusion as personality and drama began to reappear causing the search to go on. In 2000 she then found her way to Int