Kehlag: Living In Fierce Alignment

E #395: how specificity in business will unleash you & not box you in



In this podcast episode, we dive into the game-changing power of specificity in both personal development and business ventures. We're talking about how avoiding specifics can hold us back, keep us stuck in surface-level interactions, and prevent us from truly connecting with others on a meaningful level. Think about it—how many times have we played it safe, trying to please everyone, only to end up exhausted and unfulfilled? And in business, when we leave things vague, we're not doing ourselves or our clients any favors. People want clarity, they want to feel seen and understood. That's where systems like Human Design and Gene Keys come in. They offer us a roadmap to our uniqueness, showing us the specific themes and nuances that make us who we are. When we embrace this specificity, we can tailor our offerings, our content, our whole approach to truly resonate with our audience. It's not about being generic—it's about being real, being relatable, and making a real difference in people's lives. So let's dit