Why Not Now? With Amy Jo Martin

Juliet Funt - Creating Space & A Minute To Think (Ep 321)



Juliet Funt is a Productivity Wizard. She is a renowned Keynote Speaker, CEO, Author and tough-love advisor to the Fortune 500.   In this episode, Juliet gets into the tactics of how and what to do in order to create more space in your day and life. You’ll learn how to recognize that you’re doing too much, how Juliet helps companies and individuals reduce busyness and why space to recover, think, and be strategic, is the key to your efficiency.   If you are a person in constant rush, throwing your hands in the air right at the brink of burnout, Juliet discusses what you can do to create more space and give yourself permission to “Opt-Out”.   If you are employer, Juliet gives you actionable tools to avoid being a casualty of the great resignation, and retain your talent.   You’ll also hear Juliet break one of her own rules, and share her ultimate Why Not Now? story; a story that she has never shared during a podcast interview before that involves her traveling to 14 countries in 2 years whilst still running he