Weekly Zohar Study

Metsora 5784 (2024)



Humanity is getting divided into two. What is the source of this division? The Parashah (Portion) of Metsora is the 5th Parasha of the Book of Leviticus. How do we generate light out of darkness, good out of evil and how do we control our future? Meditation for getting closer to the Tree of Life: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8AzyLFM2AY Read and learn more about this Parashah: https://livekabbalah.org/metsora Join our course program: https://livekabbalah.org/live-kabbalah-courses Join our Zoom Program: https://livekabbalah.org/weekly-zohar-tree-of-life-study-live Support our efforts to provide you with more materials, donate to Live Kabbalah: https://livekabbalah.org/donations