Medical Medium Podcast

051 The Taste Demon: Stopping You From Healing



One of the biggest hills to climb when healing is getting past taste. What food tastes like can have a huge influence on a person taking the correct steps to reverse their symptoms and conditions. Even if the foods truly taste delicious, it doesn’t change the programming someone has adapted to for most or all of their life. This challenge is even far above that of comfort foods and soothing foods used to offset stress in someone’s life. The challenge can simply be just taste for many. Taste can get in the way of healing, period. People say they like apples, but after an apple or two a day, they give up on it. People say they love oranges, but after one or two oranges, they quit. People say they love salads, but as time goes on, the salad shape shifts into an entirely different meal that isn’t as healing as the one they started out with. Even something as universal as berries can be difficult for so many if the berries aren’t being drowned out with peanut butter and yogurt. One might think yogurt is healthy, b