Mostly Security

132: Flipping Star



Games, networks, filtering, and bees to start. Jon did a quantum podcast, Excalidraw is cool, and Words Matter. Ripple20 has only 19 vulns (Intel's affected), phishing private notes for bitcoin, and theft of a master key. For fun try Inspriobot, read More Pages Than You Want about programming languages, and enjoy Space Parallax from the 21st century! 0:00 - Intro 4:12 - Cloudflare Filtering 5:51 - Mason Bees 15:13 - Quantum Podcast 16:35 - Excalidraw 17:55 - Return of Trunk 21:04 - Ripple20 25:25 - Intel Advisory 28:24 - Privnote, Phished 34:34 - South African Bank 38:33 - Inspirobot 40:59 - ACM on Programming Languages 45:04 - Space Parallax