Mostly Security

129: Just Making Stuff Up



Eric logs another 1500 miles. Jon does more bee stuff and then can't print a microscope. There's a blue mockingbird with a juicy potato. A jailbreak is unc0vered and Alex Stamos starts with 0 and lists some levels of privacy protection. Eric tries some zsh aliases and marvels at 23 movies in chronological order... BY SCENE... Jon likes Cicada Prime, a windows package manager, and the history of the entire world while Eric sneaks in another Mt. St. Helens plug... 0:00 - Intro 12:59 - Semi-Followup: Microscope Printing 17:37 - Blue Mockingbird 18:39 - Juicy Potato 20:31 - Unc0ver Jailbreak 24:21 - Levels of Privacy Protection 33:12 - zsh aliases 36:13 - Marvel Movies: Chronological Order By Scene 41:17 - Cicada Prime 46:18 - WinGet Package Manager 48:58 - history of the entire world, i guess 50:07 - Mt. St. Helens is about to Blow Up