Mostly Security

096: An Especially Hardy Perennial



Eric paints and buys Jon a Yubikey. Jon ditches the Costanza wallet. Hacking back against ransomware,, and patch your routers folks. Stalking eyeballs, Twitter sells your 2FA phone number, and more cart skimmers. Eric's audiobook journey, publishers strongarm libraries, Ken Thompson had a good password, and the craziest article you'll read all week. 0:00 - Intro 4:40 - Eric buys Jon a present 8:18 - No more Costanza wallet 12:56 - Ransomware Victim Hacks Back 15:36 - No More Ransom Plug 17:18 - Patch Your Router (if you can) 21:04 - Eyeball Reflections 23:30 - SMH Twitter. SMH. 26:25 - Store Host Cloud Breach 32:00 - The Eye of the World 35:26 - Bad Macmillan 37:39 - eBook Petition 40:12 - Ken's Password 44:07 - Crazy Article