Wagner Live

S2 E104: Unleashing Your Superpower



How do you effectively persuade other people without manipulating them? Persuading people is convincing them to buy into your truth and want what you’re selling them as much as you want it. In this episode of Wagner Live, Jeff Tippett joins us to discuss what’s trending in business and marketing and how persuasive communications should not be mistaken for manipulation. Jeff is an active blogger and author. His first book, Pixels Are the New Ink: 3 Steps to Digital Domination in Your Industry, teaches thought leaders how to make money by sharing information online that’s already in their heads. Listen in to learn how to use persuasive communication to speak to the pain and needs of clients and get them to take action. You will also learn the difference between persuasion and manipulation and the art of crafting the right messaging. What You’ll Discover:[2:28] Jeff explains why he believes we all live and die based on our ability to persuade.[6:16] The downfall and future of Facebook and innovation of other soc