Beauty Inside Out With Kimberly Snyder

How to Let Go of Limiting Beliefs to Unlock Prosperity and Abundance



Are you holding onto limited beliefs? This could be holding you back from unlocking prosperity and abundance. And on today's show I'll be sharing tips and tools on, how to let go of these limiting beliefs so you can have abundance in your life.  I love this word unlock, which is not to get or achieve something outside of ourselves. Unlock means that we are opening up this potential inside of us. This is exciting and liberating and empowering to know that it's inside. However, we also have to go through the steps of how do we unlock it in the first place, which is something I'm very passionate about talking about.  It's something that I've definitely learned a lot about along my journey, from backpacking and really being scrappy and struggling to pay my rent to being able to create much more opportunity. And I say to myself, wow, if I could do this, running around New York City in my flip -flops, eating oranges for lunch off the street, then this is something that can be taught. It can be systemized, and