Editor and Publisher Reports

233 New York State implements historic tax credits to support local journalism.



In a groundbreaking move, New York Governor Kathy Hochul signed a 2025 state budget that includes $90 million in tax credits for local news media outlets, marking a significant victory for the press and local journalism. The Empire State Local News Coalition, which helped champion this legislation, initially formed with 100 news publishers in February 2024 to work together and advocate for what was originally introduced as the New York State Local Journalism Sustainability Act. In just a few months, the coalition expanded to over 200 news outlets. Rebuild Local News, a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that advances public policies to help local news and community journalism, posted a press release supporting the legislation, stating that this is “the largest sum that any state has devoted to help struggling community news organizations.” The new legislation offers $30 million in guaranteed tax credits for three years, with $13 million each year allocated for news organizations with fewer than 100 employee