Mark Levin Audio Rewind

The Best Of Mark Levin - 4/20/24



This week on the Mark Levin Show, Mark returns from Israel and explains the lunacy of President Biden’s Iran policy. Biden’s position in refusing to support Israel from taking offensive military action against Iran means that Biden will not support any military strikes against Iran’s nuclear facilities and that Iran will have a functioning nuclear arsenal with which to threaten the United States, Israel, the Arab world, and the rest of the world without fear of military attack. Also, high crimes and misdemeanors have nothing to do with the criminal code, it refers to political crimes against the state. Democrats declaring that the Alejandro Mayorkas impeachment was unconstitutional was another nail in the coffin of the Constitution. The impeachment clause says the House impeaches and the Senate tries the case. There is no authority for the Senate not to hold a trial. Sen Chuck Schumer himself decided that Article 1 and Article 2 were unconstitutional based and no grounds, based on no debate. Schumer just dest