Into the Fray Radio

iTF 264: 5th Annual AllHallowe'en with Steve Stockton and Sysco Murdoch



Steve Stockton and Sysco Murdoch return for an iTF Halloween tradition. Both natural story-tellers with their own creepy encounters to share, Steve and Sysco tell of a haunted office space that would send people to the hospital, curses, a haunted bottomless pit, and also the paranormal activity of the Bijou Theater. They both stuck around after the main show to talk of Djinn, haunted vehicles, hidden messages, the 27 Club, and more...for Patrons-only.Sysco Murdoch: Podcast Book: We Are All Children in the Wilderness of the Afterlife: A Guided Tour Through a Haunted Life Facebook Steve Stockton: Books: Strange Things in the Woods & My Strange WorldYouTubes: 13 Past Midnight & Missing Persons Mysteries Facebook TwitterEmail: If you love iNTO THE FRAY and want more content....become a member over on Patreon! Get 126 bonus episodes and counting, physical rewards like stickers and signed books, interactive, live-on-video guest interviews and group chats with fellow patrons, pri