Into the Fray Radio

iTF 258: Stranger U.S.



Author and story-collector, John Olsen joins us once again to discuss a few stories from his fourth book, Stranger U.S. We cover a time-traveling dog, a hideous, crying water baby, an enormous wolf, the 4ft tall corspe-like man in the Superstition Mountains...and John even sticks around after for a Patreon-only story.Visit his site: Stranger Bridgerland (Click HERE for the corresponding iTF episode for this book)Beyond Stranger Bridgerland (Click HERE for the corresponding iTF episode for this book) Stranger West (Click HERE for corresponding iTF episode) Email John at: If you love iNTO THE FRAY and want more content....become a member over on Patreon! Get 126 bonus episodes and counting, physical rewards like stickers and signed books, interactive, live-on-video guest interviews and group chats with fellow patrons, private RSS feed, Patron-only Discord room and FB group, and more. Click HERE to check out the various pledge levels.If you have an encounter or encou