Into the Fray Radio

iTF 104: Eerie Florida: Edition 3



Author, Mark Muncy and illustrator, Kari Schultz join me from Florida to cover more creepy tales from their state. Massive white Hammerheads, bloody massacres, little green men, apparitions over water, UFOs, USOs and Skunk Apes are all discussed.Visit Mark and Kari on their website: EerieFlorida.comFind them on Facebook, Twitter and YouTubePurchase their book and get all the details of the stories, 'Eerie Florida' on Amazon Get your special edition, signed and personally illustrated copy HERE 'Tales of Terror From Tampa Bay' and '31 Tales of Terror from Hellview Cemetery' by Mark Muncy and Elizabeth AbbottMini Lights-the upcoming movie Matter of Frak Episode 1 with Mark and Kari If you love iNTO THE FRAY and want more content....become a member over on Patreon! Get 126 bonus episodes and counting, physical rewards like stickers and signed books, interactive, live-on-video guest interviews and group chats with fellow patrons, private RSS feed, Patron-only Discord room and FB group, and more. Click HERE to che