

It's human nature to not hear as well as we think we do. Even though our ears are open, we’re not very good at listening.   In our marriages, parenting, friendships, or with colleagues; If we could just learn to listen well, it would transform our relationships. If that’s true when it comes to our human relationships, just imagine how true it must be when it comes to our relationship with God!   In this passage, Jesus is going to teach us how to listen to the Word of God using parables. He’s showing us that the Word of God is like: A Seed in the Soil A Light in the House A Bond in the Family   1. A Seed in the Soil God is the sower, His Word is the seed that brings life, and our hearts are the soil. Hold fast to the Word.   2. A Light in the House God’s Word is like a lamp that shines upon our lives, exposing everything. Open up to the Light.   3. A Bond in the Family When we choose to listen to the Word of God, we show ourselves to be children of God and members of His family. Be part