"tapp" Into The Truth

Republicans Are Too Busy Fighting With Each Other To Stop The Evil Of The Left



Why are conservatives so determined to make the "perfect the enemy of the good?" Ukraine aid passed without any border security for the U.S. (in fact, we are giving $3.5 billion to NGOs to keep the invasion going). By the way, waiving the Ukrainian flag on the House floor is an act of treason and everyone who did it should be removed from office immediately. Title IX has been rewritten by the Biden administration, but everyone keeps forgetting that laws can only be amended by Congress, not the Executive branch. Columbia University has announced that it will no longer hold in-person classes at its main campus for the remainder of the school semester due to the pro-Hamas activists who have taken over the property. Eva Edl, a pro-life activist who survived a Nazi death camp and is about to turn 89 years old, faces dying in prison because the Biden DOJ has charged her with violating the FACE Act. A 13-year-old girl who attends Pennbrook Middle School north of Philadelphia spoke at a school board meeting and tearf