Trail Runner Nation

EP 528: The Genius of Athletes: What World-Class Competitors Know That Can Change Your Life



It is no surprise that world-class athletes couldn't get to their level without a strong mental game. It could be argued that you need a strong mental game to push beyond your personal limits to a new plateau.  Recent research reveals exactly how they do it - and now we can learn that formula and incorporate it into our athletics and other areas of our lives. Noel Brick, PhD, research phycologist of endurance athletics and Scott Douglas, contributing writer for Runner's World, co-authored the titled book and help us understand how we can learn from these athletes to improve our performance on and off the trail. Last week to register to win 1 of 10 pair of BOA Fit System powered La Sportiva Cyklon shoes. Get 15% off XO Skin gear HERE by using code TRN at checkout