Trail Runner Nation

EP 432: Run and Become - The Next Level



What does it take to run 3100 miles within 52 days around a city block in Queens, NY? The Sri Chinmoy Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race is an annual pilgrimage that began back in 1997.  It is the longest certified race in the world. Runner and Filmmaker, Sanjay Rawal, explores this race and three other cultures from around the world to understand the primal necessity of running and how these cultures connect with nature and are changed / transcending to a new level of being.  It is an experience where we connect our feet with Mother Earth and our breath with the sky - being in the moment and finding joy and gratitude for that moment.  We discuss the levels of running from the physical to the mental and then a newer, higher level that is meditative or spiritual. Sanjay's movie, "3100: Run and Become"is a must watch. Watch the trailer to the movie, "3100- Run and Become"  You will NEED to buy the movie wherever you buy your movies.  Here is the link to Amazon Prime, iTunes, and Google Play