Trail Runner Nation

You Can Help Save the Pacific Crest Trail



 Candice Burt joins us to share the news and point us to the petition  The Pacific Crest Trail Association (PCTA) is lobbying and advising the USDA Forest Service to ban recreational events on the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT). If they succeed, no new trail running events nor growth of existing events will be allowed on the PCT.  Our existing trail running events could also be in jeopardy of receiving future permits.  Read about the PCTA's stance HERE Please join The Nation by speaking out against this ill-advised policy by Signing the petition that Candice Burt created Consider posting on the PCTA facebook  page and commenting on their post about their stance with your opinion. The more we express ourselves, the more the PCTA and USDA Forest Service will understand our point of view and the size of the trail running community Call Beth Boyst, the Pacific Crest Trail Administrator for the USDA Forest Service: (707) 562-8881 to express your concerns Share your concern with your social media group