Leading Saints Podcast

The Principle of Love | An Interview with Elder Don R. Clarke



Elder Don R. Clarke served as a General Authority from 2006 to 2015, first in the Second Quorum of the Seventy and as president and a counselor in the Central America Area, later in the First Quorum of the Seventy. He was assistant Executive Director in the Missionary Department and Area Assistant for the Utah North, Utah Salt Lake City, and Utah South Areas. He also served as Director of Church Hosting and currently serves as an emeritus General Authority and President of the Great Salt Lake Utah District (Correctional Facility). Elder Clarke earned an associate’s degree from Ricks College and a bachelor’s degree in business from Brigham Young University. He completed a master’s degree in business administration from Washington State University. His career included senior executive positions in several retailing companies. He also served as a volunteer professor of business at Southern Virginia University and was involved with Ascend Humanitarian Alliance in beginning microcredit operations in Bolivia. He ha