Ara City Radio

Bourgmeisterin Episode #23: Neimënster Abbey



Whether you fancy calling it Neumünster or Neimënster Abbey, this Benedictine bundle of bricks and history has had more ups and downs than a rollercoaster at a funfair run by caffeinated squirrels. To kick things off, before this Abbey even came about, there was already a district with an abbey that had quite the history. It turns out that the settlement on this property, which also included the Bock rock (the Bock promontory – the giant rock wall that leads to the Grund) that Count Sigefroi got his hands on around 963, must have been pretty happening (the founder, mind you, and first ruler of the Castle of Luxembourg in 963 AD, and ancestor and predecessor of the future counts and dukes of Luxembourg; it was in 963 that he, in search of a site from which he could defend his properties, obtained the Bock and its surroundings from St Maximin's Abbey in Trier in exchange for the land he owned at Feulen in the Ardennes to the north). Find out more at!