60 Minutes

04/28/2024: Children of War, Nvidia, Crisis at Pearl Harbor



Correspondent Scott Pelley reports on America’s children of war, often overlooked, who live with disabled military veterans. Millions of American youth across the country navigate complex childhoods, witness the emotional and physical impact of service on wounded warriors, and help the veteran and their families through hard times. Pelley speaks with Senator Elizabeth Dole, who created a foundation to support military caregivers, and two families of U.S. veterans who have carried the burden of America’s post-9/11 wars. One of only five companies to ever surpass two trillion dollars in stock market value, computer chip maker Nvidia ushered in the artificial intelligence revolution with its groundbreaking software and graphics processing unit, a chip that enables AI by accelerating the processing power of computers. Correspondent Bill Whitaker meets Nvidia’s CEO and co-founder, Jensen Huang, to discuss the company’s innovations and the rapidly expanding range of AI applications, including drug development, weat