Writing Excuses

19.17: Novellas- the Goldilocks of Publishing



How do you find the right size for your story? And speaking of size, what do novellas do differently than both short stories and novels? What even is the difference between a novel and a novella? How many characters do they usually have? How many subplots? How do you know if your story should take the form of a novella or a novel? We dive into all these questions (and…you guessed it… more!) in our conversation. A note on the structure of Season 19: in between our close reading series (six episodes where we dive into an element of craft through a close reading of a specific text), we’ll be doing two wild card episodes! These episodes are random topics that our hosts have been wanting to tell you about, we just didn’t know where they fit. So we MADE a place for them to fit! Thing of the Week: Jiangshi: Blood in the Banquet Hall (a collaborative, storytelling-based RPG)Homework:Take a short story that you either love or have written and write a list of things that could be added to expand it to novella length. N