Albuquerque Business Podcast

Dear Exhausted Leader: It's Time to Put YOUR Oxygen Mask On First



Dear Self Aware Leaders Just this week, I stepped onto a plane headed for a much-needed work trip. As the familiar safety briefing began, the flight attendant's voice caught my attention. "Remember," she said, "in case of an emergency, please secure your own oxygen mask before assisting others." Her next words hit me with newfound resonance: "...even though this trip is to Miami, I don't want to see any of you underwater." It was a playful reminder, but it struck a deeper chord. In the heart of leadership, amongst its demands and the noble drive to serve, lies a paradox: we must sometimes withdraw to truly give. We all know the flight attendant's instructions—secure your own oxygen mask before assisting others. But as leaders, do we truly live this principle? I believe nurturing our own spirit is the most generous act we can perform for our teams and the world we seek to impact. When we deplete ourselves, it's not just our personal energy that suffers. Our clarity dims, our empathy wanes, and our ability to i