Doctor Thyroid

The Evolving Landscape of Thyroid Ablation in 2024 with Dr. Mauri



Innovations and Issues: from the RFAMD podcast hosted by Philip James In recent years, a medical revolution has been quietly taking place in the treatment of thyroid conditions. Thyroid ablation, a procedure that offers an alternative to traditional surgery, is gaining popularity across the globe, particularly in the United States following its FDA approval. Dr. Giovanni Mauri , a leading interventional radiologist from Milan and recognized as one of the top 2% scientists by Stanford University, shares insights into the advancements and challenges of this transformative treatment. The concept of thyroid ablation isn't new; Italy saw its inception 25 years ago with experimental treatments beginning in the year 2000. However, the last three years have marked a significant turn with rapid expansion and adoption of the technique worldwide. According to Dr. Mauri, this surge is largely thanks to procedural innovations and international collaborations, notably from South Korea, where specialized devices have propel