Liquid Church

Fix Your Relationship With Forgiveness | Crazy Stupid Love Part 3



If you have a broken relationship, you can fix it through reconciliation, forgiveness, and honest conversation. We’re not saying it’s going to be easy. Building healthy relationships requires work, intentionality, and lots of patience. Relational conflict is a normal part of life and each relationship has a cycle in which they operate. The cycle starts with closeness and a deep connection. But with every relationship comes a rupture, which is a conflict or misunderstanding. After that, the relationship must go into repair mode.  The good news is, there are steps to take to go from the ruptured relationship to the repaired relationship. You need to pursue reconciliation, and take immediate actions to repair the damage. The second step is to practice forgiveness. The final step is to promote honest conversations. Watch Dr. David Ireland’s message on how to repair relationships in practical steps. #RepairRelationships #PracticeForgiveness #LiquidChurch